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Vertigo Assesment

Vertigo Assesment

Each inner ear balance organ has five end organs: the three semicircular canals (anterior, Posterior and horizontal canals ) which sense rotation or angular acceleration and two gravity Sensors (utricle and saccule) that sense “liner acceleration“ including gravity. It is now possible to test all five end organs. Here are some test we common use in our clinic.

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is an exercise-based treatment program designed to promote vestibular adaptation and substitution.

The videonystagmography has revolutionized neurotology: goggles with an infrared camera are placed over the patient’s eyes, to view on a screen and measure eye movements that are either spontaneous or induced in the dark by various tests.

Balance disorders (feeling of inebriation, unsteadiness, tipping) are common with vestibular problems. They can be quantified with the help of fixed or moving platforms using static and dynamic posturography methods.

An oculomotor test is essential to detect a central impairment of the oculomotor system and/or vestibular ocular system. In practice, the patient is provided with videonystagmography goggles containing an infrared camera that measures eye movements in the dark. The patient must follow the instructions listed below depending on the system being tested.

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