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Balance disorders (feeling of inebriation, unsteadiness, tipping) are common with vestibular problems. They can be quantified with the help of fixed or moving platforms using static and dynamic posturography methods.

The patient is asked to march on the spot (50 times) with their index fingers pointing forward. A normal patient will show no postural deviation.
If there is vestibular asymmetry, the patient rotates at varying angles greater than 30°, to the right or the left.

Patients are placed on a platform that tilts backwards and forwards and side to side.
Patients with unilateral vestibular lesions are more unsteady when rocked from side to side than backwards and forwards (Mbongo et al 2005).

This apparatus is used to test the patient’s static and dynamic balance. It includes two main types of tests: a sensory organisation test and a motor control test.


Balance disorders (feeling of inebriation, unsteadiness, tipping) are common with vestibular problems. They can be quantified with the help of fixed or moving platforms using static and dynamic posturography methods.

The patient is asked to march on the spot (50 times) with their index fingers pointing forward. A normal patient will show no postural deviation.
If there is vestibular asymmetry, the patient rotates at varying angles greater than 30°, to the right or the left.


This apparatus is used to test the patient’s static and dynamic balance. It includes two main types of tests: a sensory organisation test and a motor control test.

The sensory organisation test explores the effect of six different sensory environments on postural control. To this end, the EquiTest includes a forceplate that is fixed or that follows the movements in the patient’s centre of gravity, and a visual surround placed 50 cm from the patient, which may be fixed or follow the movements in the patient’s centre of gravity.

The motor control test observes the latencies of postural responses to forwards-backwards or angular platform movements. It compares postural responses, taking into account the patient’s age.

The EquiTest is a valuable tool to help appreciate and quantify balance problems and facilitate diagnosis. It also helps to guide vestibular rehabilitation and assess its effectiveness.



Patients are placed on a platform that tilts backwards and forwards and side to side.
Patients with unilateral vestibular lesions are more unsteady when rocked from side to side than backwards and forwards (Mbongo et al 2005).

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